Gather the strength of women and bloom the most beautiful beauty | The founding of Pinxing Women's Federation and the grand opening of the first congress

Gather the strength of women and bloom the most beautiful beauty | The founding of Pinxing Women's Federation and the grand opening of the first congress


Pinxing won the "Best Partner Award" of JD Logistics in 2022

Pinxing won the "Best Partner Award" of JD Logistics in 2022

? ? ? ?此次投大小单双的平台|正规的大小单双平台下载|登录注册网址获此殊荣,是京东物流对投大小单双的平台供应链价值和服务的认可,在此衷心感谢京东一直以来的信任和支持。未来,投大小单双的平台将充分发挥物流基础设施、高效运转系统、规模化效...

Pinxing won the Best Partner Award of JD Beauty in 2022

Pinxing won the Best Partner Award of JD Beauty in 2022

2022京东美妆“最佳合作伙伴奖”。? ? ? ?投大小单双的平台公司作为京东生态的优秀合作伙伴,凭借“商家承接规模、店铺运营能力、供应链服务能力、客服能力、品牌营销能力”等多个维度的实力获得此项殊荣。这不仅是京东...